Property Managment

Property Managment

Property management, also known as control of real estate, includes all aspects of income management. First of all we can help you in finding and checking renter to the property keeping, collecting rent and solving any problems that arise. Even more property management includes doing of all operations with real estate in the interests of the owner.

Most noteworthy that some professional real estate managers specialize in certain types of services. But most importantly the real estate Agency in Turkey LTA Real Estate & Investment is ready to take full responsibility for your property. Hence if you do not want to be responsible for certain things yourself, we can do it for you.

Therefore, buying an apartment for rent is an opportunity to receive income from investments with minimal risks. Due to that Real Estate Agency LTA Real Estate & Investment will help you to create this type of passive income.


We have taken the responsibility to provide real estate management services. Because we are really confident that we will cope with the tasks in good faith. Our management service is used by owners residing in Turkey, Bulgaria and Northern Cyprus.

Furthermore, in the modern world, two trends in the real estate market are popular:
First, customers from abroad purchase real estate for investment or for the future. And second: the owners rent their property and go to live in other countries for a long time.
In this regard, the owners have well-founded questions and concerns. Our clients ask if their apartment will be OK if they rent it out.

Owner have to face with certain fears, deciding whether to rent an apartment. The first is connected with the safety of furniture and the apartment itself and the second – with the timeliness of rental payments. Moreover on the other side of the scale is the fact that the apartment is even empty needs supervision and constant payments of housing and communal services. Finally our real estate Agency offers a service that will resolve these contradictions.


Probably you can order this service from us into the cases below.

1. If your apartment is located abroad, and you live in another city.
2. Likewise when you are leaving for a long time in another country or city.
3. You would like stable renters payments without problems.
4. At last, you want that the property which is in the apartment remained in safety.


Here are some important tasks that our Agency Manager certailny can help you with:

  1. Set the correct rental rates.
  2. Collect and make monthly rental payments on time.
  3. Timely payment of utility bills.
  4. Marketing and advertising of your property.
  5. Search for responsible tenants.
  6. Experts monitor the safety of the apartment and things.
  7. Renter management.
  8. Supplier relationship management.
  9. Ensuring that you accord with housing regulations and property laws.
  10. The opportunity to invest in geographically distant objects.
  11. Maximize the profitability of your time.
  12. Maximize the profitability of your money.
  13. Resolve any conflicts that arise.
  14. Coordination of interests of the parties at the request of the owner or lessee of the modernisation/renovation etc.

The cost of this service is discussed individually and depends on the term and the cost of the rent. We provide you with the most comfortable ownership of the objects of investment. Take the opportunity to order the property management  in our Agency in Turkey.